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Audiox can be configured using a audiox.config.ts (or audiox.config.js) file in your project root. This configuration will be automatically loaded when running the audiox commands.

// audiox.config.{ts,js}
import type { AudioxOptions } from '@stacksjs/audiox'

const config: AudioxOptions = {
   * The audio codec to use.
   * Default: 'mp3'
   * Options: 'aac', 'mp3', 'pcm_s16le'
  codec: 'mp3',

   * The audio bitrate.
   * Default: '192k'
   * Example values: '128k', '256k', '320k'
  bitrate: '192k',

   * The number of audio channels.
   * Default: 2
   * Options: 1 (mono), 2 (stereo), 5.1 (surround), 7.1 (surround)
  channels: 2,

   * The audio sample rate in Hz.
   * Default: 44100
   * Common values: 8000, 16000, 44100, 48000
  sampleRate: 44100,

   * The audio quality setting (0-9).
   * Lower values mean higher quality.
   * Only applicable for certain codecs.
  quality: 0,

   * Default metadata to apply to converted files.
   * These can be overridden per conversion.
  metadata: {
    artist: 'Default Artist',
    album: 'Default Album',
    year: '2024',

   * Enable verbose output for debugging.
   * Default: false
  verbose: false,

export default config

Using the Configuration

The configuration file will be automatically used by both the CLI and library functions. You can override these settings per command or function call:

CLI Override

# Override config settings via CLI
audiox convert input.mp3 output.wav \
  --codec pcm_s16le \
  --channels 1 \
  --sample-rate 16000 \
  --bitrate 128k

Library Override

import { audio } from '@stacksjs/audiox'

// Override config settings in function call
await audio('input.mp3', 'output.wav', {
  codec: 'pcm_s16le',
  channels: 1,
  sampleRate: 16000,
  bitrate: '128k',

Configuration Options

codecstring'mp3'Audio codec to use (aac, mp3, pcm_s16le)
bitratestring'192k'Audio bitrate (e.g., '128k', '256k')
channelsnumber2Number of audio channels
sampleRatenumber44100Sample rate in Hz
qualitynumber-Quality setting (0-9, lower is better)
metadataobject-Default metadata for audio files
verbosebooleanfalseEnable verbose output

To learn more about audio processing options, check out the FFmpeg documentation.

Released under the MIT License.